The Lizard Man Of Scape Ore Swamp

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The Lizard Man of Scape Ore Swamp is classified by cryptologists as a reptilian humanoid which inhabits areas of swampland in the county of Lee, in South Carolina. The creature is described as being seven foot tall, bipedal, muscular and with skin similar to a snake and with eyes that glow orange.

The first reported sighting of the creature occured in June of 1998 when a local 17 year old boy, Christopher Davis, described an encouter with the reptilian humanoid having occured at 2 am while driving home from work. According to Davis, he experienced a flat tire and pulled over the side of the road at an area bordering Scape Ore Swamp.

After fixing the flat tire and driving off, Davis reported hearing a thumping noise from behind and turned around to see the creature running in his direction. Davis said the creature tried to grab at the car and then jumped on its roof as Davis tried to drive off, clinging onto the vehicle’s roof as Davis swerved from side to side in an effort to throw off the creature.

Upon arriving home, Davis’ side-view-mirror was found to be damaged, and scratch marks were found on the car’s roof–though there was no other physical evidence of his encounter. Reported sightings of the lizard man have continued ever since, with the last reported sighting having occured in 2011.

Here’s a true witness video account of incidents involving the Lizard Man. Also please let us know what you think of this story in thecomments section below. Thanks.


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