Woman with No Arms Competes In Bodybuilding Show!

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This lady is such an inspiration! Barbie Thomas recently competed in a National level bodybuilding competition, even though she has no arms.

Though Barbie has not won any major awards, she was the only one among hundreds of competing men and women to receive a standing ovation! At the age of two, Barbie was badly burnt and shocked by an exposed electrical transformer vault, which resulted in losing both precious little arms.

Immediately after the outcome, her chances of survival were low.

The doctor said that I would not survive, and if I did, I’d be a vegetable. But God had other plans for my account. I’m still here – alive and well, and I feel good.”

As time went one and Barbie blossomed into an adult, she would soon learn to do such complicated tasks such as cooking dinner, texting on a cell phone, applying makeup, and even driving!! Yes Barbie can drive a car!

Most important of all was her passion for staying healthy and developing a healthy shapely physique. After many years of self doubt and apprehension, Barbie decided to plunge into the sport of physique competition.

Not having arms, she feared that she would be unable to do the various mandatory poses that are required in competition. After meeting up with the Bodybuilding Federation’s chairman, Barbie was given the green light to enter competition. In 2003, Barbie competed in her first show and she hasn’t looked back.

During my first competition, I was sort of puzzled. Sure, people in the audience and my fellow competitor’s were surprised. Afterall, this is a contest of physical advantages, and I lost my hands and my body does not have the symmetry, they want to see here. But after my first performance, they realized that I am an athlete, just like them. ”

Bodybuilding gave Barbie a goal to work towards and the opportunity to feel good. She works out every day, and when not competing, she a normal busy mom, raising her family and spending time with her two sons.



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